vineri, 19 februarie 2021

Gabriele Munter - pin

 “Sunt în siguranță pe Marte”

Roverul Perseverance
a scăpat de grija virusului Covid-19
a atins suprafața planetei Marte
și nu e o glumă

un bărbat îmbrăcat într-o uniformă murdară de polițist
n-are nici un cuvânt de spus
în toată povestea asta

la teatru radiofonic
se auzea vocea lui Richard Burton:
“No one would have believed
In the last years of the nineteenth century
That human affairs were being watched
From the timeless worlds of space
No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized
As someone with a microscope studies creatures
That swarm and multiply in a drop of water
Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets
And yet, across the gulf of space
Minds immeasurably superior to ours
Regarded this Earth with envious eyes
And slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us
"The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one" he… “

“The War of The Worlds”
[Jeff Wayne]


Pictor: Gabriele Munter
Titlul original:
Stilul: Expresionism
Mod de realizare:
Unde se gaseste:

Date despre pictor:
Gabriele Munter (19 februarie 1877 –19 mai 1962), pictorita expresionista germana